Saturday, November 15, 2008

Nature's Imponderables

(Incapable of being weighed, measured or evaluated with precision)

Why does the earthworm always look clean
When you consider where it has been?
How does the butterfly with new-formed wings
Know how to fly with such cumbersome things?
Where does the spider keep all its thread?
Who put the web-pattern into its head?
How does the ant carry food twice its size
And store for the winter?
Who made it so wise?
Where do the flies go all winter long?
Who taught the birds to sing each little song?
Why do the frogs and toads start life as fishes
Then grow their arms and legs?
How curious this is!
How do the seeds planted into the ground
Know, when they grow, they're the right way around?
Unless I am given a better solution
I believe in creation and not evolution!

Dorothy Bull

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